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Welcome to the Myrtle Beach Downtown Master Plan portal! Here, we will post all relevant information about the planning process to keep you, the public, informed. Be sure you visit this page periodically for the most up to date information.

"City Council Adopts Myrtle Beach Downtown Master Plan"  3/12/2019

In July of 2018 the City undertook a master planning process to determine a clear path for the revitalization of Downtown Myrtle Beach. Over the next 8 months the general public was engaged in a variety of ways. In addition to opportunities at monthly DRC and City Council meetings, over 100 individuals were engaged through an initial series of small group listening sessions. Among others, the listening groups included business and property owners and operators, real estate professionals, developers, Coastal Carolina University, Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Economic Development, and potential investors. The resulting plan was adopted by City Council in March 2019.  Phase 1 Implementation Updates are given to City Council each month.  The Downtown Development Office, City Managers, and Department Heads meet each month to review the update presentation together.  The City has placed a high level of importance on establishing this cross-functional team dedicated to the necessary collaboration and communication it will take to execute the Downtown Master Plan vision.

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2019 Downtown Master Plan

With the adoption of the Downtown Master Plan, Phase 1 Implementation has begun.  Thank you for your interest in Downtown and we ask for your continued engagement and support.  Here you will find the full Downtown Master Plan document our City is working hard to achieve.  If you are a current business owner or future investor, please visit our incentives page to learn more.


Arts & Innovation District

Advanced Plan

June 2020

Local architects and planners with LS3P have taken the Downtown Master Plan to the next level with an Advanced Plan view of the core downtown district, i.e. the new Arts & Innovation District.   This district encompasses Opportunity Zones and the Downtown Historic District.  There are several projects already completed, underway and in active planning stages within the Arts and Innovation District.  The link below will take you to the most recent presentation to City Council. 

Main Street Broadway Theater _ Proposed.

Preserving History

Broadway Theater and More

October 2020

Next steps for this amazing project are underway.  This includes the BID opening for careful removal of non-contributing façade improvements made to the buildings over the years.  Once complete, an assessment of the façade and necessary repairs will be completed, then final submittal of Historic applications.  All qualified expenses of the project thereafter will be eligible for state and federal tax credits.  The project also anticipates receiving SC Abandoned Building tax credits.

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One Grand Strand Downtown Development Framework

December 2020

One Grand Strand has convened business, civic, and institutional leaders to:

- Support the development of a broader vision for Myrtle Beach’s Opportunity Zone that builds upon and weaves together the planning efforts the City of Myrtle Beach has spearheaded.
- Demonstrate the value and further the establishment of a “networked governance” model for Downtown Myrtle Beach that incorporates nationwide best practices and builds capacity in support of implementation.

A New Vision for Downtown

The vision developed for the Master Plan was primarily based on extensive public input, listening sessions with City Council and a variety of focus groups, and results of the Downtown Assessment. Our vision statements are based on the ideal conditions for downtown will be in the future if the issues and values important to the community are completely addressed.

"Vision Based on Identity"  The vision statement themes, ideas and values were organized by geographic identity and location. Early on in the development of the Master Plan, it became clear that there were four distinct geographies within downtown Myrtle Beach.

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The Oceanfront is a vibrant, safe and accessible year-round destination for locals, metro residents and visitors. New family attractions, parks, an improving food scene and new/restored motels are drawing visitors in record numbers. The extended Boardwalk links up Withers Swash, the Oceanfront and 14th Avenue North to residential areas and close in neighborhoods east and west of King’s Highway. The energy of the Oceanfront now spreads in three rows.

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Broadway Street & Main Street, the historic heart of downtown, is flourishing. Empty nesters, young couples and families are living, working and playing along the street. Most neighbors in the revitalized residential areas surrounding downtown just walk or bike to Broadway on new greenways, trails and sidewalks. Small independent services, professional offices and retailers are taking hold. Locals have reclaimed “Main Street”

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King’s Highway corridor has been tamed, softened and shaded. New streetscapes and intersections calm traffic and improve safety. Improved landscaping requirements have greened the street. Changing public art at key intersections creates a cool vibe and provides visual landmarks for visitors. This corridor now has Myrtle Beach identity.

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The Arts & Innovation District is the perfect weave of arts, culture, craft and creativity. It draws locals and visitors year-round with live performances, craft beers/spirits, a small food hall and market in unique and historic structures. Across King’s Highway, the old pavilion is a lively new mixed-use destination that delivers thousands of daily visitors.

Top Five in Five...

"TOP FIVE IN FIVE" represent the top 5 priorities our City Leaders wish to accomplish in the first 5 years of Downtown Master Plan implementation.  While all of the themes and strategies presented in the Master Plan are important to the success of its implementation, five major recommendations emerged that should drive the focus of the implementation efforts.

The "Top 5 in 5" model is explained more in depth in Section 4 of the Downtown Master Plan.


Heart of Downtown
Urban Design Manual
Regulatory Improvements
Improve Perception
Leverage Public Assets

Leverage Public Assets

Create a development strategy and financial model to maximize the return on investment for all city owned assets. Leverage public projects to attract people, private investment and value in downtown.


Establish a list of city priorities for evaluating potential private development proposals on city owned property. Prepare the groundwork to take advantage of state and federal incentives.

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Regulatory Improvements

Actively search out and remove barriers to desirable businesses, activities, and uses. Enable a vibrant oceanfront, downtown and King’s Highway.


Conduct a regulatory improvement process that removes barriers thatwill help create an active and vibrant downtown. Make it easy to do what you want. Create a focused process to uncover the most impactful regulatory changes that can easily be implemented during the first year


Urban Design Manual

Create district and street specific Urban Design Guidelines for public and private development in downtown, including King’s Hwy. and the oceanfront.


Establish our community’s vision and regulatory framework for future development, identify potential National Historic Districts, create detailed landscape standards and concepts and options that illustrate ways to pull energy from the Ocean front inland... And More

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Improve Perception

Improve the public perception of downtown and the oceanfront through targeted improvements in public safety, building conditions, community appearance, and pedestrian, bicycle & traffic safety.


Continue working on CPTED initiatives. Enforce a set of minimum standards by use and in targeted areas.  Identify the worst performing intersections for significant safety improvements. 

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Heart of Downtown

Position the City Square, Broadway Street and the Arts & Innovation District as the heart of downtown.

Develop a capital improvement program, development strategy and overall plan of action for the City Square, Broadway Street and the Arts District to guide and ignite the development of a vibrant residential and cultural arts experience in Myrtle Beach.

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Reclaiming The Downtown

Myrtle Beach’s Arts and Innovation District advanced plan can anchor a resilient, adaptive, sustainable, and innovative city. The advanced planning ought to build upon the masterplan’s basic tenants valuing arts and innovation.  The Arts and Innovation district must be easily walkable, have a sense of play, is safe, is easy to navigate, and provides for neighborhoods that promote ongoing public and private participation.  If we envision a re-emergent downtown originating from our collective memories, stories, historic buildings, and materials it will be a genuine place reflective of Myrtle Beach.  Of all areas in town, this area, this downtown, must recognize the many institutions and individuals that had the courage to better our community, including today’s and tomorrow’s leaders.  Through multifaceted design we create a future full of promise providing a genuine and vibrant downtown elevating Myrtle Beach and its rich coastal history.


Master Plan Timeline:


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City of Myrtle Beach

Downtown Development Office

517 9th Avenue North

Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Myrtle Beach INFO Line:
(843) 918-4636

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